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David Ferris

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Vid Ferris


Hi, it is me again after last time (, the RunMan, ready to run and race around! I am going to run real fast and real good and you don't even know how fast I am going to run. You hear of Sonic? Sonic ran super good and he is my hero. When Mario and Sonic fought it out at the Olympic games nobody ever caught Sonic. He just kept running after the race was over and was never seen again and that is exactly what I intend to do.
I am raising money for Headspace which is an organisation that helps young people with their Brain Problems. I was once a young people with Brain Problems, but luckily I am now Very Normal and there is nothing unusual about me at all.
Please donate money - best of all, donating money is TOTALLY FREE except for the money that you donate, it will cost that amount of money, and also a processing fee. Thanks and let the best hedgehog win.

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headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation

headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services. 

Information and services for young people, their families and friends as well as health professionals can be accessed through this website, headspace centres, online counselling service eheadspace, the Digital Work and Study Service and postvention suicide support program headspace School Support. 

All funds raised will go towards the national work of headspace, if you are looking to support your local headspace centre you will need to reach out to them directly.

For more information visit

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